General Directorate for Protection of Natural Assets

General Directorate for Protection of Natural Assets
Branch Office of Climate Change

a. To monitor and coordinate national and international works/studies on fighting against climate change and determining ecological corridors in protected areas, to establish the legislation on necessary issues,

b. To determine the effects of climate change on natural resources in protected areas, to carry out all kinds of research and investigation activities, to prepare action plans for fighting against climate change and to organize capacity building activities for their implementation.

c. To identify important landscape areas with land degradation caused by climate change in protected areas and to conduct studies for the rehabilitation of these areas.

d. To prepare and implement action plans by determining strategies and policies for the identification and protection of ecological corridors in protected areas.

e. To monitor greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change in protected areas, to monitor and control the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on biological diversity and to take necessary measures accordingly,

f. To fulfill other duties assigned by the head of department related to the field of activity.